A defeated mind...

A Defeated Mind...
We all go through times when we feel useless, when we find ourselves completely worthless, of course these times are nothing but temporary transition-periods that passes quickly. Here is a poem that tries to put some light on the thoughts which confront us during that phase....

This world is not guilt free,

It never was meant to be.

Regrets, pains and sufferings,

That's all there is to see.

Long, cold and restless nights,

Are the results of all those fights.

I just can't fix things now,

Even with all of my might.

All these thoughts in my mind,

Are really hard to define,

I surrounded myself with,

Negativities of several kinds.

Infact one half in me,

Has given up already.

My mind is at its limit now,

All I want now is to break free.

Please comment and share if this poem worth it☺️


  1. Short, precise and yet so deep...lovely��❤❤

  2. Break the barriers bhai 😎

  3. The Poem is a #Debonair.
    Good to see, "You gotta way to cherish".


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